Possibly the greatest show on earth! started by an American giving us free tickets on the way in - whoever you are, we love you!

This panasonic single speed had incredible lug work, and was a really beautiful machine - elegant, simple, expensive.

Another example of great lugging

I liked the rims on this one especially.

Possibly the most pointless bike I have ever seen, It made me feel sick inside, and like I had been touched by a member of the clergy. You could test ride most of the bikes at the show - this was left on the shelf......

Spooge rims, one way to show your virility I suppose...

A genki Masi - apparently and Italian company, made in China - thanks Seo for that slice of information!

One of the geeky pictures - coloured spokes

A curiosity - fixed gear tourer, strange and beautiful

A hat that a grandmother should make....like for xmas....This xmas.....seriously.....

I would have bought this if it was made by Poke

Bells and bar tape, all very cheap and tuneful

Sexy saddles, Mr Hadden - to save your boys from that razor blade you currently use I will buy you one of these, you can thank me by naming your first son after me.

Toe straps, all sexy and shiny

A full Pake, should have been poke, they really dropped the ball on that one.

Coloured tyres

An mp3 player for your handlebars, pretty pointless - very japanese.

To help with fisting, the knuckle light.

coloured chains are hot....

....Especially when they're reversible.....

......released in 2009....

....and only 500 are made each year...

This guy was a legend! A bicycle historian with all the right connections, spoke great English and designed a bike so short people and ladies don't mash up their down stairs while cycling!

the ride in question

Made for bike gymnastics - it looks super gay when you see it being done, like bmx tricks for sturdy russian looking women...

A rack of lovely chain rings, hubs and seat posts.

Coloured rims, and I'm not even being dirty when I write that.

This was pretty weird, those shitty muscle twitch machines are apparently pretty popular over here so these guys came to the show to sit and twitch and be watched by other visitors. I'd rather shit in public that do that nonsense.

These were fuggin awesome! toy fixed gear bikes that you can modify and build just like a real one - so tempting, and yet potentially such an awful guilty pleasure.

This was expensive and looked pretty gay to me, it was interesting in that when you pedal it propels the front wheel as well, but thats straight up voodoo in my eyes. I threw holy water on it and the guy spoke in tongues at me. Might have been Korean, definitely some effin and jeffin


Ugly tyres for your ugly bike, dressing up a turd has never been so easy - since the shell suit.

It seems Raleigh still make nice bikes, but not for the UK

Clamp on brakes are an interesting addition to any fixed gear.

A nice idea well executed.
An Olympians bike, shame they were so poo.