(l-r: Brian, Jennie, me and Jack)
Jack has always looked suspicious to me so it was no wonder that he was stopped and searched before boarding the plane. He even tried to chat up the ladies as they waved their wand over him
Jack and Simon, don't they look pretty...
Brian diligently writing in his journal during the flight
Guam 1am local time, waiting for our people carrier to take us to our hotel. It was incredibly hot even at that time of night
Jack rode up front, and as you may have guessed by now, he is pulling the face that he is determined to pull in every picture in some bizarre plan to 'liven up' all my pictures
Jack tried out the 'retro' massage chair in the hotal hallway. I don't think it was particularly effective or enjoyable
This was a snooker club called...yep, Ballscratchers
Day 1: Breakfast. As much as my mum would love the idea of me eating ice-cream for breakfast for the second time in my life, this is in fact frozen yoghurt with granola and peaches. Actually a good start to a very hot day to eat something frozen. Oh yes, and delicious smoothies too
On our way to the beach
Clear blue water, white sand
Not so clear from this picture but in the distance it really resembled Tracy Island from Thunderbirds
Jack busting out his 80s/90s vibe with his Raybans and neon shorts
Jack attempted to climb the coconut tree with his belt. He didn't make it very far
Alison rocking out the stripy bikini
Jack clutching a Budweiser and looking like he walked straight off the set of Cocktail
Lunch at Hooters - could we b more white trash?!
Alison getting stuck into the Hooters brownie
Our waitress
This street felt almost like a film set or fake street that you would find at a theme park. The shuttle buses look like trams and there's loads of designer shops
This thing was called The Slingshot - a sphere that is attached to two crane-type things on either side and flings you up into the air and you spin around. This really is not my thing but Jenny, Simon and Brian all had a go
Day 2: Snorkelling
Close friendships were formed during the holiday
Rain in the distance
Shallow-water surfing
There was an abundance of chapels along the beach. We saw weddings on both days
If I lived on an island, I'd be doing this on a Saturday night
Final meal - I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy mexican food, it was ace. The prices were really good and the staff were really friendly
Johnny 2 hats
Sadly Alison didn't purchase this hat but she was sorely tempted
Drinks at a local bar. This was just after Jack was offered a massage for $40 or 'boom boom' for $80 by a middle-aged woman outside
Brian was very happy to find Moosehead, a genuine Canadian lager which made him feel very much at home
Checking-in to fly back to Japan (this was at 4:30am for our 6:30am flight)
Soon to follow...Jack's pictures and photographs from our snorkelling escapades with underwater cameras!