Below, the 4th Dimension can be seen in the distance (the red one)
As soon as we arrived, we hit Fujiyama, the ride with the tallest climb, we were all quite excited and a tad apprehensive when we saw that the climb was followed by a near-vertical drop!
Parts of the 4th Dimension...the following pictures do not, sadly, capture the enormity of how frigging scary and extreme this ride was. To give you an idea of things were, the ride starts with you sitting down and getting firmly strapped in, then the floor falls away and your feet are dangling. Then the ride starts moving...backwards, then the seats tilt so you are lying on your back and then you start the ascent, on your back, facing the sky. It's a pretty long climb to, and just as you go over the top, the seats flip again so that you are horizontal and facing the ground and hurtling downwards and the rest of the ride continues in that vein of sits flipping you forwards and backwards whilst twisting around corkscrews and loops, so you have no idea which way is up or down. Terryfiying and elating!
World Record number 2...
Queuing up for this ride took about an hour, enough time for me to have worked myself up to a state of excited and nervous fear, especially after watching the film of one of the Fuji-Q superheroes riding the thing.
Obviously Jack and Dan are too cool and were gently rocked to sleep by the ride...

Another example of their coolness - they were practically wearing identical outfits (that's what Goldsmiths does to you) and matching his n' his plimsoles...can you spot which feet are Dan's and which are Jack's?
These guys love you, ok!

Jack got intimate with the Fuji-Q superheroes

Jack and the yellow chap got on really well...

Mark just dished out abuse...

The blue guy was clearly a bit of a playa and took on the while trio at once...
This is the scariest 'haunted house' I've ever been to (granted I haven't been to many)
There were several ice-skating rinks, water-rides, carousels and various other bits and pieces, all with the stunning backdrop of Fuji. A second trip is definitely in order
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