Thursday, 30 October 2008

Highlights from Jack's phone...

M: Happy Halloween! All the younger kids have been dressing up for their lessons this week. I had a class of Pikachu's, Pokemon's still big news over here. The majority were witches;

Hello Kitty popcorn machine

This was a dummy to show how your thong is visible when you lean forward, and they were selling special jeans alongside this where they claim that this didn't happen i.e. high-backed jeans

Virtual ping-pong, wii -style

One of the numerous photobooth that do special affects and add stars and fairies and god-knows-what to your picture. This one is pretty convinced of it's abilities - 'You'll be inferior to no-one'

Why anyone would be interested in armadillo racing is beyond me

Jack's trip out to a local shrine

One for the funny car collection

Jack thought that this building with a giant hand looked cool

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