He gently whispered "cock" in my ear and then froze...

There was a robot wars style hoe down going on..... it got pretty hairy...

This is a robo suit that makes it possible to molest people indirectly

Here is is in action, he touched me in ways.....*sigh*

This one was dancing about to some lady on a screen behind it, it was pretty cool.

This was a robo snake, but looked to me like the ultimate butt plug

This is the real 'robo - cop' he was pretty crap

A nurse robot

These were my favorite, it was basically - to my mind, encouraging you to cripple your children just so you can turn them into remote control bitches with wheels. I guarantee I'll own one if I ever procreate just as a threat, like the walking stick my mother bought.

This is the mecha peado suit as discussed on Brass eye all those years ago. Next year this company promises to have manufactured a disguise that makes a man look like a school...

I wish I could claim to have been the proof reader for this advert for the 'mecha peado' suit.

This one was a real slut.

The guy that gave me the ticket for the show works for the company that sells these robo hoovers, not the most enthralling robots at the show but probably the most functional.

This one was pretty creepy, all the wires in its back and its little stockings freaked me out quite a bit.

I don't know why but I had a real dislike for this kid. I honestly do not know why - it could have been the opalescent jacket, it could be that he had a robot and I didn't or it could just be the fact that he looked like a dick. I just don't know.

Next year I'm going to wrap my Grandmother - Moo in foil and enter her, I figure her flailing arms and awkward gait could pass as robotic, and then this bad boy will be mine.

This guy was just dressed like a bit of a moron.

This was a robo seal pup, I don't why you would want one, it wouldn't taste very nice, and the fur is made of polyester.

After the kid has finished pawing it up, the robot looked at me as if to say 'I want you.... I don't care that it will be purely physical......yeah you can spit in my mouth if you want.....treat me like dirt......I need you now'

What else could I do apart from oblige
We're having a toaster in 7 months..
I even found a posse on the way out.
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